Anderson Cooper Wallpaper

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Seven Share | Anderson Cooper Wallpaper | Anderson Cooper was born in New York City in 1967, to writer Wyatt Emory Cooper and designer and heiress Gloria Vanderbilt. When Cooper was just 10 years old, his father died during open-heart surgery, a tragedy that would influence the way Cooper lived his life. Tragedy would strike the Cooper family yet again in 1988, when his brother, Carter, committed suicide by jumping to his death from the 14th-floor window of their mother's New York City apartment. As his father's death had, Carter's death fueled Cooper's drive, and he would later connect the event with his correspondent career: "I became interested in questions of survival: why some people survive and others don't.Covering wars just seemed logical." By the early 1980s, Cooper was enrolled at the Dalton School, an exclusive, private Manhattan school. He graduated in 1985, and went on to attend Yale University, where he graduated in 1989 with a political science degree.


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